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Track Record of Standing For The People & Inspiring Transformation in Neighbourhoods, Communities and Business

"As your MP I will  stand fearlessly for you and those you love, holding Government to account for your wellbeing, security and flourishing. I will open up the corridors of power to The People so that The State never again can  dictate to you."

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Chan Abraham is well-known as a business and community leader serving this area since 1996 WITH A PUBLIC RECORD OF SAVING HUNTINGDONSHIRE FROM  LABOUR's DISASTROUS POLICIES AND CONSERVATIVES' MISMANAGEMENT when he introduced initiatives that transformed the quality of life, including giving local people a voice, better housing services and helping public organisations to work in partnership for the benefit of all, instead of wasting public resources.

In 1999 he personally led the area's largest public consultation through scores of open meetings with tenants of HDC's badly neglected 8,000 council homes, independently raising £100 million to buy and repair them.  Tenants voted overwhelmingly to become part of non-profit HHP-Luminus that he founded, enjoying a better future with low rents, improved repairs, new neighbourhood services and genuine People Power through seats on the Management Board. He gave HDC a windfall of more than £65 million strictly requiring better local services but this vast sum 'disappeared' into a financial black hole of the Conservative-LibDem-Labour-run council.


As Director of Community Services he introduced improvements to Huntingdonshire’s leisure services, parks, culture and tourism, established Town Centre Management for Huntingdon (now BID Huntingdon), Community Safety Partnerships across Cambridgeshire so Police, NHS and other public services could work together; and helped release much-needed Hinchingbrooke Hospital beds saving the NHS substantial sums of public money by providing homes for older patients to receive nursing care in the community.


Recognised as The Man of the People he held Saturday morning conferences and consultation events and kept an open door to all.  Government bureaucrats bristled with hubris and jealousy over his innovation, commitment to local people and independent thought, and tried undermine and sabotage his efforts, but he kept his Guarantee to tenants.  Luminus was recognised nationally as an example of excellent customer care and staff motivation, twice hitting the No. 2 spot on The Sunday Times 100 Best Companies to Work For, winning the Gold Medal for Health & Safety from The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents for 13 consecutive years and garnering more awards for excellence and inspiration than any other UK business.


Through his Leadership Academy he has trained, developed and mentored hundreds of managers and leaders in councils, Police, businesses and charities, helping many women and men progress to senior jobs. He helped build Huntingdon's Community Radio Studio in Huntingdon Town Centre, initiated extensive community projects including Oxmoor's Maple Centre and NHS Oak Tree Centre; new family, key worker, extra care and sheltered housing; established multi-agency health and children's safeguarding initiatives and apprenticeship schemes for young people; served communities on Mental Health Trust and Schools Governing Boards. and set up two new Charities with the theme of “Inspiring hope, changing lives, transforming our world”.


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