Welcome - Message from Chan Abraham
Leaders above all others can create the conditions for people to flourish. Sadly, most British politicians put ambition for personal enrichment, fame and power above their duty to The People.
I will be part of a new Parliament that, with your help, will Change Britain for Good.
Britain is facing its greatest crisis since 1939. Every institution upon which we relied has failed. Our nation's leadership has lost touch with the reality of the daily struggles of families, the old, young, vulnerable. Parliament, run by career politicians, many with great wealth, and civil servants, does not represent The British People. They are bent on a course that opposes the freedoms, sovereignty, compassion and care that are the hallmarks of our way of life, and the reason so many people are drawn to the UK, thousands doing so illegally with no intention of integrating or showing loyalty to our heritage, customs and traditions. We need radical transformation, A People's Parliament, made up of truly Independent MPs.
I am determined and passionate to serve as a member of that TEAM, committed to Change Britain for Good.
Get in touch and be part of this vital Revolution in Britain's Politics - a transformation of our nation that will create a more hopeful and just tomorrow by the actions we take today!
Contact: changebritain4good@gmail.com